Sunday, February 9 2025


Oceans Mapping with Sentinel-3

Our third step in the framework of World health monitoring and evaluation of climate changes effects on Earth stands on oceans and seas mapping. Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission, as already described for land products, systematically delivers to the community a large dataset of marine products, namely geophysical data extremely useful for the monitoring purposes we described

Level 3 Mosaics over Africa

Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission has been designed and developed mainly to focus on the climate changes effects impacting on our planet and is carrying on board several instruments with medium-low resolution in order to pursuit this goal. From this perspective the main strength of the project is not standing in the capabilities to distinguish small objects

Upwelling over the Adriatic Sea

The last November 22th the Copernicus Sentinel-3A satellite captured a long stream of discolored water over the entire Adriatic Sea coast of Italy. This singular sight from the outer space is fascinating and the wide impacted area is perfectly exploited by the natural-color RGB image showed below. What’s that about and how it came into

Europe Sentinel-3 Mosaic

What about one of the first Sentinel-3 cloud free mosaic covering Europe with all its land parts and seas? The following image has been generated mosaicing around 300 Level 2 products of OLCI and SLSTR instruments, representing a synergic contribution of two different processing systems, since products covering land have been generated by ESA and

Burning Vesuvius

In the last hours Mount Vesuvius is under siege by several fires that are surrounding the mountain’s slopes, spreading for around 2 kilometers and forcing the evacuation of locals from their home (there are indeed several small towns built near the sleeping volcano). A giant smoke trail raised towards the sky and then propagated for