Intense Dust Storms in Africa
In late March 2018, strong winds caused by a train of low-pressure areas appeared to fuel the flow of dust across Africa. Dust storms are quite common during the Spring in the Sahara, because the weather used to change with the seasons. However, according to several observers in the region last week’s storms were particularly

Snow on the Sahara
Few days ago one of the most incredible, rare and unique meteorological event that could ever happen is actually occurred in the Sahara desert: snowing. The last occurrence of this phenomenon was observed tenths of years ago and this is the third time in 40 years. Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission captured the snowed desert surface in

The Eye of Sahara
In Mauritania, hidden deep into the great Sahara desert, there is a huge and mysterious geologic formation that is hard to spot from ground level, walking around on Earth. It turns out that we really discovered this incredible bull’s-eye in the sand only when we began sending humans into space when the Gemini IV mission (1965), a