Cebile storm over the Indian Ocean
During the last days in the remotest parts of the Indian Ocean a tropical cyclone was formed. Its name is Cebile and he reached the category strength 4. The storm was luckily formed far away from Madagascar, Sri Lanka and other inhabited islands, thus avoiding many damages and casualties. The cyclone has been captured by

Flooding in Madagascar, a first assessment from Satellite
Madagascar is the world’s fourth largest island, and due to its position in the middle of Indian Ocean is regularly hit by cyclones between the months of November and April. The last tropical cyclone “Ava” hit the island country off the southeastern coast of Africa between the 5th and the 7th of January, killing at least 36

Medicanes Numa
Medicanes, short for “Mediterranean” + “hurricanes”, are cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea having a tropical-like structure but a rather small size. They are relatively rare in Europe. They can be very destructive and deadly, even when they don’t reach their full potential for due to the combination of intense winds and heavy precipitation. However, one

Amazonia Deforestation from Sentinels
The Amazon rainforest represents over half of the planet’s remaining equatorial forests. A real Earth’s hearth and lungs threatened by the human uncontrolled activity. Its deforestation started mainly in the early seventies after the opening of the trans-Amazonian highway (1972). Amongst the principal causes of the progressive logging, the farming and cattle pasture spaces needs are the

Hurricane Irma from SAR
Hurricane Irma, the second most powerful Atlantic basin hurricane in recorded history, has been captured also from SAR sensor of Copernicus Sentinel 1 radar. The radar waves can penetrate all weather conditions including clouds and rain. A SAR image is a measure of the amount of energy reflected back to the radar antenna following interaction

Epic rain in Everglades: a tragic battle for to choose which flora and fauna will live or die
The Everglades (or Pa-hay-okee) is a natural region of tropical wetlands in the southern portion of the U.S. state of Florida. The Everglades experience a wide range of weather patterns, from frequent flooding in the wet season to drought in the dry season and is home to scores of interesting plants and animals, many of

The Eye of Sahara
In Mauritania, hidden deep into the great Sahara desert, there is a huge and mysterious geologic formation that is hard to spot from ground level, walking around on Earth. It turns out that we really discovered this incredible bull’s-eye in the sand only when we began sending humans into space when the Gemini IV mission (1965), a

The birth of Behemoth
Larsen C ice shelf is situated in the Antarctica continent, in the northwest part of the Weddell Sea, south of Argentina. In the last year Larsen C has been frequently monitored on ground and from satellites because one of the largest iceberg ever discovered started to break from the ice platform. This iceberg, named Behemoth

Syria: damage assessment of missile attack with Sentinel-1A
The Pentagon has released satellite photos of the Syrian base the U.S. attacked on 7 April 2017 in response to Bashar al-Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons, marking the first time the US has become a direct combatant against the Syrian regime. The photo show the aftermath of nearly 60 cruise missile strikes on the

Detroit: reducing the noise speckle
This Sentinel-1 radar image takes us to the major city in the US state of Michigan, known for its Motown sound, rock music, world class museums, automobile culture, sports teams, arts, and theatres: Detroit. The image was created by mediating 21 radar scans from Copernicus Sentinel-1 captured from January 2016 to February 2017 for reducing