Kutupalong, the largest refugees camp in the World
Kutupalong refugee camp is a refugee camp located in Ukhia, Bangladesh inhabited mostly by Rohingya Muslims that have fled from persecution in neighboring buddhist Myanmar country. It recently became the largest refugee settlement in the world hosting almost 600,000 occupants. Such huge growing is due mainly to the Rohingya Muslims exodus who have sought asylum

Upwelling over the Adriatic Sea
The last November 22th the Copernicus Sentinel-3A satellite captured a long stream of discolored water over the entire Adriatic Sea coast of Italy. This singular sight from the outer space is fascinating and the wide impacted area is perfectly exploited by the natural-color RGB image showed below. What’s that about and how it came into

California Fires in Sentinel-2 images
During this week, part of California has been devastating by a high number of fires. In particular the area burnt down is the Ventura County, extending the south part of the state. The RGB image below has been captured on 05 December 2017 by Sentinel-2B and shows the area affected by the fires. In this

Tidal monitoring with Sentinel-2
Tidal phenomenon along the shores was well known since the prehistoric era, but a long trip of investigations through the centuries was necessary from the Greco-Roman Antiquity to the modern era to unravel in a quasi-definitive manner many secrets of the ebb and flow. Tides were firstly studied by Greek philosophers who tried to find