Saturday, February 8 2025

Month: November 2017

Medicanes Numa

Medicanes, short for “Mediterranean” + “hurricanes”, are cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea having a tropical-like structure but a rather small size. They are relatively rare in Europe. They can be very destructive and deadly, even when they don’t reach their full potential for due to the combination of intense winds and heavy precipitation. However, one

Europe Sentinel-3 Mosaic

What about one of the first Sentinel-3 cloud free mosaic covering Europe with all its land parts and seas? The following image has been generated mosaicing around 300 Level 2 products of OLCI and SLSTR instruments, representing a synergic contribution of two different processing systems, since products covering land have been generated by ESA and

Bogoslof Island: a puzzle for geographers.

Bogoslov Island has a Russian sounding name and indeed belongs to the Aleutian Islands, Alaska which was sold by Russia to United States in 1867. It is actually the summit of a stratovolcano 1800 m height from the seabed and emerged from the ocean in late 1800 after an underwater eruption and since then has been