Saturday, February 8 2025

Month: April 2017

Top of Atmosphere Reflectance on Sentinel 3

Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Reflectance is a unitless measurement which provides the ratio of radiation reflected to the incident solar radiation on a given surface. It that can be computed from satellite measured spectral radiance using the mean solar spectral irradiance and the solar zenith angle. When comparing EO images from different sensors, there are two

Kamchatka: the land of volcanoes

Kamchatka is a peninsula located in the far east of Russia basically known for hosting a considerable number of glacier and stratovolcano, most of them with no activity in the last century. A stratovolcano is built up by many layers of hardened lava and volcanic ash characterized by periodic effusive and explosive eruptions. Around 300

In Endeavour’s wake: day 1.

Plymouth (GB), August 27th 1768: Lieutenant James Cook, commanding the British Royal Navy research vessel HM Bark Endeavour, raised anchor for his first journey of exploration of Terra Australis Incognita. The Endeavour, 30 metres long, brought the crew to Tahiti, 1769, to observe the transit of Venus across the Sun, and after to explore the unknown area of

Proba-V: the eye of Quebec

The Proba-V 333m image of 03 March 2015 shows the Manicouagan crater, located in Manicouagan Region of Quebec, Canada. This lake represents one of the largest craters, roughly 100km, originating by an impact of a 5km diameter meteorite about 214 million years ago during the Triassic Period. In the middle of the lake, there is