Synergy Storm
This Atlantic Ocean storm, south to Greenland, has been caught both by S1-B and S3-A on December 6th and 7th. Here below the S1-SAR image in interferometric wide swath mode, followed by S3-OLCI RGB (bands 10-6-3) and S3-SLSTR thermal (band 9) images. The OLCI image is the last of the duty cycle, before the eclipse period, indeed

Iraq-Mosul: Oil wells fires
Sentinel-2 image animation (Visible and SWIR RGB composites) acquired the 3rd November over Iraq-Mosul. ISIS militants had set the wells on fire hoping to obscure the view of Iraqi and coalition air forces. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-37891389 Credits: SardegnaClima Onlus Products from: https://scihub.copernicus.eu