Himalaya to India

One of the first published images (publishing started on November 17th) of Sentinel-3A SLSTR L1 NRT products. Those images are mosaics composed by three consecutive SLSTR products.

The first image is an RGB composition of three bands: 0.555, 0.865 and 1.61 µm, where only the first band belongs to the visible spectrum (the other ones fall in the near and short-wavelength infrared, useful for ndvi calculation and vegetation monitoring)

The second image is the SLSTR ninth wavelength radiance, 12 µm of wavelength. This spectral response belongs to the Long-wavelength infrared, or “thermal” infrared, thanks to that it is possible to have an overview of the temperature distribution all over the region.

Himalaya mountain range stands as a perfect border between the Indian hot region (up to 30°C) and the Tibet (under zero). Temperatures are expressed in K



Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2016

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