Amazon river estuary
Two different images of Amazon river mouth. The RGBs are processed from two different observations of two different Sentinel 3-A instruments: October 20th per OLCI (RGB bands 10-6-3) and November 20th for SLSTR (RGB 5-3-1 band composition). The Amazon river carries the world’s greatest water data flow (more than any other river) and it is

Himalaya to India
One of the first published images (publishing started on November 17th) of Sentinel-3A SLSTR L1 NRT products. Those images are mosaics composed by three consecutive SLSTR products. The first image is an RGB composition of three bands: 0.555, 0.865 and 1.61 µm, where only the first band belongs to the visible spectrum (the other ones

Great Barrier Reef
The southern part of the Australian Great Barrier Reef (hard to find uncloudy image covering all the barrier!). RGB image from a Sentinel-3A OLCI L1 product and correspondent geolocated kmz. https://scihub.copernicus.eu S3A_OL_1_EFR____20161101T232504_20161101T232804_20161102T010602_0179_010_258_3240_SVL_O_NR_002 Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2016

Italy: interferogram earthquake 30/10/2016
Interferogram with S1 show more narrow fringes around Castelluccio. Details: Products from : https://scihub.copernicus.eu S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20161020T051118_20161020T051145_013569_015B9D_5855.SAFE S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20161101T051118_20161101T051145_013744_0160F4_D5C1.SAFE Elaboration with SNAP.